- A February 2021 article on "audit fatigue" in CSO Magazine included comments from Jim Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group.
- CNBC.com published an article including comments from Jim Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, on
the the varied impacts of data breaches at franchised retailers.
- An article in January 2016 from InformationWeek DarkReading includes comments from Jim Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, on
the possible EMV liability ramifications of a suspected data breach at Wendy's.
- An InformationWeek DarkReading story includes comments from Jim Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, on
version 2.0 of the PCI Security Standards Council's point-to-point encryption (P2PE) requirements and how they relate to EMV.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, was quoted in an eWeek story
discussing Google earning
PCI-DSS validation for its cloud services.
- The premiere issue of the Data Protection Law Reporter includes an extended interview with
James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, on application-level end-to-end encryption and the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, was quoted in a Computerworld article commenting on a lawsuit filed by banks against Target (and, initially, their QSA) in the wake of the payment card breach that occurred during the 2013 holiday season.
- An article in Computerworld on the continuing use of Windows XP in ATMs included comments from James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, was quoted in a Computerworld article commenting on the resignation of Target's CIO in the wake of the payment card breach during the 2013 holiday season.
- Thoughts from James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, were included in a Computerworld article on the real challenges facing EMV credit/debit card deployment in the U.S.
- A January 2014 Computerworld article included comments by James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, on Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards in light of recent merchant breaches.
- An article in Computerworld discussing the loss of consumer information by Target included extensive comments by James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, was quoted in two related Computerworld articles commenting on the payment card breach at Target during the 2013 holiday season and the methods the perpetrators used to maximize the value of the stolen information.
- A Computerworld article included James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, commenting on the possible causes of the payment card data breach at regional grocer Schnucks and the need for merchant vigilance.
- Northern Illinois University has selected James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, as its 2011 Outstanding Alumnus from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, discussed PCI's executive-level impacts to wholesalers at the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors' Semi-Annual CIO Roundtable in Chicago in December 2010.
- In November 2010 James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, presented on PCI's current and future implications for the retail petroleum industry at the 2010 SIGMA Annual Meeting in Boston.
- In May 2010 James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, presented an overview of Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance responsibilities in the retail petroleum industry at NACStech 2010 in New Orleans.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, presented an "Update from the Field" on PCI at the 2010 SIGMA Executive Leadership Conference in Vail.
- NACS Magazine included extensive comments by James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group on PCI.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, was interviewed by the Project Management Institute's PM Network magazine for a story on information security concerns in the field of project management.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, discusses CIO career transitions in CIO Magazine.
- James Huguelet, President of The Huguelet Group, provides advice for aligning I.T. and business operations in Operations + Fulfillment Magazine.